November Roundup

As this month comes to a close, it’s time to share some of recommendations for all of you!

🎧You Should be Listening to:

Comfy Chairs hosted by Kate Johnson.

If you enjoy learning, this is the podcast for you. Kate does an awesome job digging into super meaningful, thoughtful, and informative conversations with guests. Grab your own comfy chair and listen in!

From Now to Next hosted by Erica Rooney.

Erica and her guests always offer amazing perspective and advice. Bonus, Erica is never afraid to tackle the tough topics- like her recent work on tackling the role of Alcohol in socializing at work.

📚You Should be Reading:

The Deepest Well- Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma and Adversity by Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.

Wow, one of the best books I’ve read and such an excellent and eye-opening look at childhood adversity and its long-term impacts. A quick and interesting read. Dr. Burke Harris is not only brilliant, but also a phenomenal storyteller.

Leader Awakened: Why Accepting Adversity Drives Power and Freedom by Samreen McGregor

Samreen is such a lovely, thoughtful leader and executive coach. This book isn’t afraid to dive into the really tough stuff and then come out on the other side with ways to acknowledge and leverage adversity for a better you. An absolute must read for leaders. Samreen was also kind enough to join me on the podcast this month. Listen here.

Everyday Inspiration for Change- How Daily Experience Can Be Your Best Mentor for Change in Life and Work by Minola Jac

Minola has pulled together so many amazing stories and lessons into one book. Change is inevitable and Minola teaches us how to mange it through everyday lessons. Read it straight through or open it up for some daily or weekly inspiration.

And for my fellow fiction fans-

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang is the must read of 2023!

Did I have anxiety the whole time I read this — yes. Was it one of my favorite books of the year — also, yes. R.F. Kuang tackles white privilege in a wildly entertaining, fast-paced, and thoughtful novel. Also, as a fan of Babel, I will never not be impressed by Kuang’s ability to excel across genres. You won’t be able to put this one down. You’ll also be left reflecting for days and weeks to come.

📰Article Roundup:

WHO Makes Loneliness a Global Health Priority with New Committee on Social Connection

The Love Story of My Chosen Family

Our Favorite Management Tips about Showing Gratitude at Work

Leaders, Make Curiosity the Core of Your Organizational Culture

Diversity Nudges

✅You should be doing:

Avoiding Year-End & Holiday Burnout

This time of year is amazing; it can also be overwhelming for a variety of reasons. Make sure you are avoiding that holiday/year-end burnout. And if you need any tips, check out this podcast dedicated to doing just this.

Practicing Self-Care

Self-care is always important but can be easy to overlook when we are focused on everyone else. Make sure you are practicing self-care and making time for yourself.

Giving Back

This is a great time of year to give back to your communities, but remember, it’s not only about giving back financially. Below are some of my favorite ways to give back!

📢 You Should Subscribe:

It should come as no surprise that I adore Katharine Manning. If you could use a weekly dose of Katharine- trust me, you can- make sure and subscribe to her Thursday texts.

To subscribe- Text the word ‘Blackbird’ to 8339751945.


Year-End Reflections & Goal Setting


How Trauma Informed Workplaces Support Veterans